AEM Senior Associate Director Carla Howe Ruffo, Ph.D. plans and leads all TA efforts as the Director of the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Technical Assistance Center. Through this work, she helps to build the capacity of SEA and LEA staff to understand and use information for decision-making through training, workshops, and supporting materials. She offers expertise in the areas of program evaluation, technical assistance strategy, project management, data governance, and stakeholder engagement.
Dr. Ruffo leverages 20 years of educational experience, spanning middle school classroom teacher, district and regional teacher consultant, and State Education Agencies. While at the West Virginia Department of Education as the Data Governance Manager and SLDS Project Director, Dr. Ruffo worked to increase the effective and efficient use of state education data for decision-making through the development and launch of the state’s reporting solution. She toured the state, talking to parents, teachers, and administrators about the kinds of information that mattered to them most, and then led the team that turned their feedback into a comprehensive one-stop-shop for educational information. Dr. Ruffo has a Ph.D. in Educational Evaluation and Research from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.