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Connect with AEM Staff at the OSEP Conference

We look forward to connecting with state staff, center directors, and other likeminded organizations and individuals at the 2024 OSEP Leadership and Project Directors’ Conference.

Massachusetts EOE Improves Development Capabilities Using Scaled Agile Framework

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of project management and how the Massachusetts EOE has chosen to modernize their practices by implementing a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). We explore the ways in which this helps to improve resource allocation and project outcomes, and why it is important to take a structured approach to project management.

Data for One, Data for All

(Thanks to Johan Rempel from the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI) at Georgia Tech, who contributed to this article.)

The importance and impact of equitable access to data cannot be overstated. Data can directly impact personal decision making, and it informs policy, research, and education from the local level through to the federal level.

The old ‘knowledge is power’ adage could just as easily be replaced with ‘access to data is power.’ As it relates to the early childhood through K12 populations, stakeholders of that data may include any number people, including parents, educators, government entities, administrators, policymakers, researchers, and students themselves.

Announcing the Chief Privacy Officer Network for State Education Agencies

AEM is proud to support the US Department of Education’s Student Privacy Policy Office with the launch of the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) Network for state education agencies.

The CPO Network has kicked off with CPO participation from 28 states, representing privacy and security leadership over education records for more than 30 million public education students. CPOs in the network bring a range of experience, from one month in their role to more than 17 years of direct experience.

Be SAFe and Realize the Full Benefits of Agile IT Practices

An increasing number of education agencies are turning to Agile software development as a preferred approach for delivering software services to their business users. This approach helps to lower project risk and align IT resources around a shared set of goals.

While Agile offers high value at a project level, the reality is that it can be challenging for large and complex organizations to adopt. To achieve full-scale Agile adoption, the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) offers a number of benefits that we’ll discuss in this article.

How Generate Advances Common Education Data Standards

This blog post was co-authored by Nancy Copa.

To help with the heavy lifting, Generate, a freely available application, can be used to automate compliance education data reporting to the US Department of Education.

AEM Funding Extended for Support of Center for the Integration of IDEA Data

AEM Corporation has received five years of funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to continue leading the Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID).

Tips to Engage with Data Standards Bodies

In our previous posts we looked at what it means to standardize and how to determine you’re ready for standardization. In this final installment, we address how and when to engage with standards bodies.

Check If You Are Ready for Data Standardization

You gather data from each school, but nothing seems to match up. Sure, you asked for the same information from everyone, but without standardized definitions for the information, they each interpreted your request differently. Now, you have your hands full with disparate data that requires more work for you to understand and that could compromise your research.

Why Better Education Insights Require Data Standards

Responses to COVID-19 have brought about wholesale changes to learning environments that were previously limited to pockets of innovative schools across the country. Schools and districts are implementing virtual education at unprecedented scale via teleconferencing applications and online curriculum resources.