Nancy Copa serves as Project Director and provides technical assistance to states for the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS), a national data management initiative. She has 20 years’ P20W experience that offers insight and perspectives in data collection, data management, and data analytics for all education stakeholders.
Mrs. Copa began her career conducting preschool and family day care observations, using the Environment Rating Scales from the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, and collecting and analyzing child scores on the Gates-McGinitie Reading Test. Mrs. Copa authored and directed the implementation of two of Florida’s Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems grants, and oversaw the education data request process for one of the country’s largest states. She previously served as the Assistant Director of Research for Florida’s Community Colleges System, where she earned her Post-Master’s Certificate in Institutional Research.
She has also used the knowledge she gained from these experiences and her experience on CEDS to benefit the IDEA Early Childhood Data System Center (DaSy), Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID), and Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems grant program.