Tony Ruggiero provides technical assistance to states as part of the IDEA Data Center (IDC), IDEA Early Childhood Data System Center (DaSy), and National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO). In this work, Mr. Ruggiero offers more than 20 years of experience in data management, data collection, and reporting and analysis in education and health.
Mr. Ruggiero has served as data manager for the Delaware Department of Education with both the Early Development and Learning Resources and School Improvement offices, and has the knowledge and familiarity of working with schoolwide data and measurements such as school climate surveys and achievement gap data. He has provided technical support for data collection in areas such as Part B, Part B 619, Part C, Title 1, McKinney Vento, English Language Learners (ELL), and Supplemental Educational Services. Mr. Ruggiero has also led teams for research and evaluation design and has developed, implemented, and monitored population based surveys such as the Delaware Early Childhood Workforce Study, Delaware Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), and Delaware Survey of Children’s Health (DSCH).
He has a proud history of involvement in committees and work groups, such as Delaware KIDS Count Advisory Board, Council of Chief State School Officers’ (CCSSO) Transition in Sanctions, Delaware P20 Council’s Early Childhood Data Subcommittee, Regional Educational Laboratories Early Childhood Education Research Alliance and the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS). Mr. Ruggiero received his M.A. in Applied Social Research from West Virginia University.