AEM has invested in building a world-class hub of early childhood expertise.
We offer a full spectrum of early childhood technical assistance, data management, information technology, and research and evaluation services, which are backed in turn by a team of accomplished practitioners, university faculty, and researchers. We support early childhood initiatives at the local, state, and national levels.
We specialize in creating innovations that support comprehensive and integrated systems for delivery of programs and services for children and families. As just one of the many capabilities within AEM Education Services, we are able to draw on existing K-20 education partnerships for support, such as Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS), including Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS); Common Education Data Standards (CEDS); and the Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC).
We focus on collaborative efforts such as DaSy with SRI International, Regional Comprehensive Centers with ICF and Westat, and military child care research with leading subject matter experts.