AEM’s experts in risk and resilience offer decades of experience in innovative evaluation, performance measurement, and decision support systems.
We facilitate...
Risk and Resilience assessments take a well-balanced team of key stakeholders, each with intimate knowledge of the system. Let a PARRE professional help you form your team and facilitate the process. Your team will have the benefit of an on-site leader, thoroughly familiar with J-100 and PARRE, able to save you valuable time and energy completing your analysis. Further, a PARRE team facilitator brings experience gained from working with a wide variety of similar teams across the country, able to provide insight and ideas for your consideration.
We offer on-call support...
Getting ready to launch your assessment? PARRE can provide full-time telephone and / or teleconference support to answer those technical and assessment questions as they arise. Your team are busy people who cannot afford to get stopped trying to answer a question that the experienced PARRE staff can quickly resolve.
We also support SAFETY Act flow-down documentation...
Have you completed a PARRE assessment and want third party review and documentation that the provisions of the J-100 standard have been met so that you can be protected by the flow-down provision of the SAFETY Act? Let the experienced PARRE team audit your findings and provide independent review for your records.