AEM’s experienced technical assistance team leads the way for data use for Head Start audiences and builds connections across the country between early childhood development professionals.
AEM served as a partner on the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning providing experienced staff under the Office of Head Start (OHS) over a period of three years. As the lead for data use work on NCECDTL, AEM promoted teaching and learning data with a focus on data planning, data privacy, data management, and data visualization among Head Start audiences, including provision of on-site technical assistance in seven of the twelve Head Start regions.
The AEM team supported state professional development systems staff by leading workgroup discussion on workforce registries and learning management systems via webinars and conference sessions. We also led several conference sessions focused on home-based programs and contributed to the development of tip sheets to support Head Start audiences.
Notably, AEM led NCECDTL work on MyPeers, a platform for early childhood professionals to brainstorm, exchange ideas, and share resources. The team developed templates, processes, and guides that were leveraged across national centers, including a comprehensive guide to help NCECDTL facilitators implement research-based best practices and understand the features of the MyPeers platform. We led quarterly trainings for NCECDTL staff on MyPeers and developed a new process for evaluating and reporting on NCECDTL's MyPeers work. Within MyPeers, AEM co-facilitated the Head Start Disabilities/Inclusion Network to support Head Start Disabilities Coordinators and other program staff in implementing best practices to support children with disabilities.