AEM is the leading provider of data management services to the U.S. Department of Education (ED), working in partnership to increase transparency and public use of data.
Through the award of the EDFacts Technology and Support Services (ETSS II) contract, we collect and analyze data from all state education agencies and local education agencies. When ED program offices are interested in overcoming roadblocks in releasing their data, they come to AEM to understand what the process should look like to address data quality and use and prepare files for public release. In this work, AEM is actively working with ED to find new efficiencies by improving methods for receiving data from states, reviewing its accuracy, and releasing it for public consumption.
AEM also runs the Partner Support Center, which is responsible for responding to state inquiries about preparation of education data for submission to ED. We take more than 1,000 monthly calls with staff in states, districts, and schools to help them improve education data quality and timeliness of reporting to ED. By building a bridge between states and ED, our team is helping the public stay better informed about educational quality and results in their states and districts.